Martensdale - St. Marys is a community with strong roots, proud of all of the accomplishments through the years and is focused on the opportunities that offer growth for our students in the areas of academics, performing arts, and athletics.
For continued success, it's critical that investments be made to improve the safety and security of our children, educators, and staff in addition to aligning the growth and needs of the school district.
Martensdale - St.Marys Community School District respects the needs of its property taxpayers. We have three goals in considering this project:
1) Fund the project;
2) Minimize individual tax impact;
3) Maintain a steady tax rate.
Schools in Iowa are only allowed to borrow funds within a debt service levy of $4.05 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation. Our approved Tax Rate for FY25 is $15.59 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation.
Through a series of community meetings in October 2023, we began to evaluate the future of the District, and how our facilities impact that future. These fundamental questions emerged related to our facilities.
How can our facilities.....
enhance safety and security?
drive program and student success?
expand opportunities?
improve functionality and appearance?
In addition, these non-facility themes emerged:
We need to maintain our sense of community and a K-12 building.
We need to address teacher retention.
Accountability, transparency, and communication must improve.
We must address not only physical safety, but also emotional safety.
The upcoming general election on November 5th is needed for the proposed recommendations to move forward. Vote at your designated polling place on Election Day. Polling places are open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm for most elections.
Do you:
- need to submit an absentee vote? Click for details
- need to find your precinct/polling location? Click for details
- want to attend the community meetings to Learn More?
On Monday, April 8, 2024, the Board of Directors of the Martensdale-St. Marys Community School District approved a facilities plan. This plan is the result of 8 months of work starting with a facility assessment in the summer of 2023 and a series of community meetings held in October 2023. Next a Facilities Committee that included community members, parents, and staff was formed and met between November 2023 and March 2024 to finalize this plan.
Here is an overview of the plan:
Relocation of the Softball Field to improve campus safety and security.
A shift to make the “front” of the building north facing with a main front entrance to improve safety, security, and improved traffic flow.
The addition / renovation of a new main drive off Highway 28, parking lot, separate bus loop, and parent pickup/drop-off on the north side to improve vehicle circulation and safety and reduce congestion on Burlington Ave.
The addition of a single safe and secure entrance on the north side serving both the elementary and secondary components of our school operation.
The addition of a multi-purpose gymnasium.
The renovation of the secondary science rooms.
Upgrades to the HVAC System, Fire Safety Systems, and Electrical System throughout the existing building to improve student and staff safety and comfort.
Furniture replacement throughout the building including student spaces.
The estimated plan cost is $16,651,271. This cost is inclusive of all elements of the project with allowances for furnishings. This estimate is based solely on pre-design work.